For me, BGC was a life changing event. So much so that it will be impossible for me to share everything, much less attempt to do so in one post. So I'll share with everyone in segments.
I was introduced to the Daily Truth emails by my good friend, Lisa Wallace. Those daily emails often times had the right words for the right time. Soon I discovered there was a Brave Girls Camp and my other good friend, Sandi Tygar (aka Tigger) decided to be Brave and sign up to attend camp the week of July 11th, almost 14 months before the event.
I took the Soul Restoration I online course, which I admit, I did not finish. The time line assignment was just overwhelming to me - it was making me face things I was not ready to face. I loved the course, but the unaddressed issues - well - I knew the time to address them was going to be coming - soon.
As the trip got closer, I began to waiver on my commitment to attend. I was coming up with "reasons" for me not to attend - but deep down, I knew this was part of my journey that I needed to finally complete. I had also given my word to Tigger that I was attending and I did not want to let her down. I never told her of my doubts about attending.
Let me say - I am so glad I made that journey.
As we arrived in a parking lot in McCall, we were greeted by Melody and some staff. We got off the bus and took the bird seed in our packages and Melody said it represented our worries, fears, stress, etc and to toss it in the air and let it fall to the ground. She said that is where the worries, fears, etc. would stay for the duration of Camp and that we were welcome to come pick them up on our way home. I did not go retrieve my birdseed - LOL.
Then we got back on the bus and headed to the cabin. I felt panic and fear set in. I'm positive I was not the only woman on the bus feeling that. As we pulled up, every single staff member was lined up to greet us. I got to the path leading to the cabin and a sign said "I am safe". It was at that moment that I knew it was time to face those issues from my childhood and let go.
BGC is not a religious event, but for me it was deeply spiritual. I felt God telling me - you have always been safe and its time to open up those infected wounds and let the infection drain out so you can heal. God provided an environment where I felt safe to finally after all these years, to open up and share what I went through as a little girl and that I had allowed that to keep me from being all that I was meant to be.
Thank you Melody and Kathy - for all you do. It is needed in this world and I am grateful for the safe place you have provided for us.
....Stay tuned for more updates.
:) Sounds wonderful!
I am looking forward to hearing a lot more about your experience.
Beautiful post, my Donna.
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