
Friday, April 23, 2010

Some Observations

This week I saw:
  • A mother holding her 4 month old daughter on the plane....a sweet girl who never once fussed.
  • A mother of a toddler in total meltdown mode - while the father stood by and did nothing - the mother was in tears trying to hold and calm her child - her frustration clearly evident.
  • A new Premier Design consultant writing thank you notes to customers
  • The magic of Disney through the eyes of child - my own. As I watched the parade and the fireworks, I found myself waiving at the characters and totally having fun and just living in the moment.
  • I saw the beauty of sea creatures up close - Killer Whales, Dolphins, Manatees, Baluga Whales, etc - and was mesmerized by how intelligent these amazing animals are.
  • I saw little children filled with anticipation of seeing their favorite Disney Characters.
  • I realized taking vacation is necessary and it's been over 10 years since we have taken a real vacation.
It was a busy work week at the conference. This conference is always physically tiring - the pace is non-stop, but I made a choice to open my mind to the possibility that I could have a good time at Disney. I let myself go and I just lived in the moment. A good bit of shopping helped as well - LOL....I think the staff at the Coach store may miss me after I leave Orlando!

I got a lot of yard work done on Sunday - my lack of yard work last year REALLY shows this year. I made my first trip ever to Meadow's Farms on Sunday and let me tell you.....I am in LOVE with that place!

Couple of pics from the week - My friend Candice and I on Saturday and then one of the two of us with Judy Harvell.

It's back to work in the office and the "normal" hectic pace there. Have a great week all!


Lynette said...

Now I will start thinking about Disney again. I want to wait until the grand kids are a little older though. I love the pictures.

Jocelyn said...

Oh I just adore this post!!! You made me smile and we are going to Disney on October with the family and I was sort of dreading the idea of all the hoopla..but now I am looking forward to taking Disney in not only through the boys eyes...but through mine!!

Love the are just adorable!!!

So glad that you got to do some gardening!!! :-)

Have a great week!!!

CK Photo said...

Much of that is the Magic of Disney. So much more than the actual place.

That photo waiting for the boat is my favorite of us.